Digital Devil #7. The believe-it-or-not story of Australia's Lenny Cram and his opal mine in a mason jar.
Installment #6 of my Digital Devil column, which discusses the introduction of HPHT diamonds into the market by Lazare Kaplan Inc. This one kicked up quite a stir. See the comments at the end.
Digital Devil #5, where I transition from hard-nosed gemological gumshoe to lamenting the lack of romance and appreciation of beauty in gemology.
Digital Devil #4. Genius is a funny thing. Those who possess it tell you it's just a matter of hard work, elbow grease, if you will. Those of us who lack it simply stand in awe – viewing a rare jewel – the sheer majesty of it all. In my lifetime, the closest I've come to that stuff is a man named Gerry Rogers.
Digital Devil #3. This column is for both those who know about the web, as well as them that have yet to understand its power.
Digital Devil #2. It took me a while to realize that the editor wanted me to write about gems.
Digital Devil #1: The fights between gem dealers and gemologists are legendary, with each side looking down upon the other. It's truly dog against dog.