INSIDE OUT • GEM•ology Through Lotus-Colored Glasses
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"It can be so easy to look at a gem or piece of jewelry and forget how many people were involved in bringing it to market. Now, one Bangkok lab is releasing a book to remind the world of the human aspect behind colored gemstones.."
Brecken Branstrator, National Jeweler
RUBY & SAPPHIRE • A Gemologist's Guide
"The attention to detail is such as to make it the holy book of corundum. It simply has no comparable."
Stuart Robertson, The GemGuide
RUBY & SAPPHIRE • A Collector's Guide
"…Probably the most significant book to have emerged recently from the gemology world, but more importantly it transcends that genre to delight a far wider audience."
Elise Skalwold, Rocks & Minerals Magazine
from an unpublished 1934 manuscript by J.F. Halford-Watkins